Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Chinese leftovers that disappeared

Last Friday there was a year end party for one of the groups on campus and by paying $10 we could partake in a Chinese buffet. The food was delicious with Singaporean noodles, fried rice and fried chicken and tofu and string beans. Even after taking seconds there were plenty of left overs. One of my colleagues and me decided to take some leftovers and filled up two salad containers with food. I had filled up enough for several lunches and was happy that I would not need to have carry lunch from home. And yet I knew that this was something not conducive to my weight loss plans! As it usually happens I find ways to rationalize my decisions in such moments, in this case it was, this food is going waste - eating a little of it everyday would distribute the calories!

So on Monday I don't carry my usual backpack when I walk to work since there was no need to carry lunch. At lunch time I go to the fridge to heat some of that delicious food and to my utter dismay - the entire container was gone - poof!
I had not expected anyone to steal food from the fridge in the common room - help themselves to a little of the food maybe buy WHY take the entire container? I was disappointed by the whole experience and then it struck me the whole universe is conspiring in helping me attain my weight loss goals! It was a divine intervention of sorts.

This has happened many times to me when I show up for free food placed in the common area and it is all gone. This is usually calorie dense food not in line with my plans and goals for the day and I get there to get some by rationalizing my choice. This is really some divine force working for me.

But in the case of my lunch missing - it was highly disappointing at first but then I thought about it and hoped that the person who stole the food was actually in need of it. It was something I freely received and in some sense it is good that someone in dire need used it.

In the future - I need to be more mindful of how I rationalize and stick to my goals.

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